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Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1
The company establishes these practical guidelines to fulfill corporate social responsibility, advance economic, environmental, and social progress, and achieve the goal of sustainable development. The guidelines are drafted with reference to the "Corporate Sustainability Development Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM-Listed Companies" and relevant laws and regulations.
Article 2
These guidelines apply to the entire operational activities of the company and its group enterprises.
While conducting business operations, the company actively practices sustainable development to align with international trends, enhance national economic contributions through corporate citizenship, improve the quality of life for employees, communities, and society, and foster competitive advantages rooted in sustainable development.
Article 3
To promote sustainable development, the company incorporates considerations of environmental, social, and corporate governance factors into its management policies and business activities, alongside pursuing sustainable operations and profitability.
The company shall assess risks related to environmental, social, and governance issues pertinent to its operations following the principle of materiality and formulate relevant risk management policies or strategies.
Article 4
The company should adhere to the following principles in practicing sustainable development:
Article 5
Considering the trends in domestic and international sustainable development issues, the relevance to core business activities, and the impact of the company's and its group's operations on stakeholders, the company establishes sustainability policies, systems, or management guidelines and specific promotion plans. These shall be approved by the board of directors and reported to the shareholders' meeting.
Chapter 2: Strengthening Corporate Governance
Article 6
The company should follow the "Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM-Listed Companies," the "Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles for TWSE/GTSM-Listed Companies," and the " Guidelines for the Adoption of Codes of Ethical Conduct for TWSE/GTSM Listed Companies " to establish an effective governance framework and ethical standards, thereby solidifying corporate governance.
Article 7
In promoting sustainable development, the company includes the following:
The company authorizes senior management to address economic, environmental, and social issues arising from operational activities.
Article 8
To ensure sound management of sustainable development, the company establishes a governance framework to promote sustainability. The corporate sustainability officer is responsible for proposing and implementing sustainability policies, systems, management guidelines, and specific promotion plans and reports regularly to the board of directors.
Article 9
The company should establish a reasonable compensation policy to ensure remuneration planning aligns with organizational strategic goals and stakeholder interests. Employee performance appraisal systems should integrate sustainability policies, with clear and effective reward and disciplinary measures.
Article 10
Respecting the rights and interests of stakeholders, the company identifies stakeholders and establishes a stakeholder section on its website. Through appropriate communication methods, it understands stakeholders' reasonable expectations and needs and appropriately responds to significant sustainability issues of concern to them.
Chapter 3: Developing a Sustainable Environment
Article 11
The company complies with environmental regulations and relevant international standards to appropriately protect the natural environment. During operational activities and internal management, efforts are made to achieve environmental sustainability goals.
Article 12
The company strives to enhance energy efficiency and utilize renewable materials with low environmental impact to ensure the sustainable use of Earth's resources.
Article 13
Based on industry characteristics, the company establishes suitable environmental management systems, including:
Article 14
The company designates specialized environmental management units or personnel to develop, promote, and maintain relevant environmental management systems and specific action plans.
Article 15
Considering the ecological impacts of operations, the company promotes sustainable consumption concepts and conducts activities such as research, procurement, production, operations, and services following these principles to minimize the impact on the natural environment and humanity:
Article 16
To improve water resource efficiency, the company ensures sustainable water use by establishing management measures.
In compliance with legal requirements, the company constructs and enhances environmental protection facilities to prevent pollution of water, air, and land. Best feasible pollution prevention and control technologies are employed to minimize adverse impacts on human health and the environment.
Article 17
The company adopts recognized national or international standards or guidelines to conduct corporate greenhouse gas inventory and disclosure, covering:
The company considers the impact of climate change on operations and takes corresponding measures based on its operational status and greenhouse gas inventory results.
Chapter 4: Maintaining Social Welfare
Article 18
The company complies with relevant laws and international human rights conventions, such as gender equality, labor rights, and non-discrimination. It adheres to internationally recognized labor rights and ensures its human resource policies are free from discrimination based on gender, race, socioeconomic status, age, marital or family status. Equal and fair treatment is implemented in employment, working conditions, remuneration, benefits, training, appraisal, and promotion opportunities.
For situations that harm labor rights, the company provides effective and appropriate grievance mechanisms to ensure equality and transparency in the grievance process. Channels should be simple, convenient, and accessible, with appropriate responses to employee grievances.
Article 19
The company provides employees with information to help them understand labor laws in the country of operation and their associated rights.
Article 20
The company offers employees a safe and healthy working environment, including necessary health and first aid facilities, and minimizes safety and health hazards to prevent occupational accidents. Regular safety and health education and training are provided.
Article 21
The company creates a conducive environment for employee career development and establishes effective training programs for career competency development.
Reasonable employee welfare measures (including remuneration, leave, and other benefits) are implemented, and business performance or results are appropriately reflected in remuneration policies to attract, retain, and motivate human resources, achieving the goal of sustainable operations.
Article 22
The company establishes regular communication channels for employees to obtain information and express opinions on management activities and decisions.
The company respects employees' rights to negotiate working conditions through representatives, providing necessary information and facilities to promote employer-employee cooperation.
Reasonable notice is given regarding operational changes that may significantly impact employees.
Article 23
The company treats customers or consumers with fairness and reasonableness, adhering to principles such as fairness, honesty, duty of care, truthful advertising, product/service suitability, disclosure, fair compensation, and professional ethics in business dealings.
Article 24
The company is accountable for its products and services and emphasizes ethical marketing. Transparency and safety in product and service information are ensured, and consumer rights policies are formulated and disclosed. These policies are implemented in operations to prevent harm to consumers' rights, health, and safety.
Article 25
The company ensures product and service quality according to government regulations and industry standards. It follows relevant laws and international guidelines on customer health and safety, privacy, marketing, and labeling, avoiding deceptive, misleading, or fraudulent practices that undermine consumer trust and rights. Transparent and effective consumer grievance procedures are provided, and complaints are handled fairly and promptly. The company respects consumer privacy and protects personal data in accordance with laws such as the Personal Data Protection Act.
Article 26
The company assesses and manages risks that may disrupt operations, mitigating their impact on consumers and society.
Article 27
The company evaluates its operational impact on communities and appropriately employs local personnel to enhance community recognition.
Through commercial activities, material donations, corporate volunteer services, or other public interest services, the company participates in activities with civic organizations, charitable groups, and local governments to promote community development and education.