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Quality | Technology | Service

ESG Status
Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Emission source categories 1 to 6 Emission equivalent
(metric tons CO2e/year)
(metric tons CO2e/year)
Category 1
Stationary 0.3682 163.1499
Mobile 6.5817
Fugitive 156.2000
Category 2
Purchased Electricity 854.4961 854.4961
Category 3
Upstream Transport Raw material transportation (three kinds of raw materials) 12.1760 18.3106
Business Transport Business Trip (Self-Driving) 6.1346
Category 4
Buy Electricity Carbon Footprint of Upstream Power Mining and Transmission and Distribution 152.2557 173.9866
Waste Treatment + Transport General industrial waste incineration treatment+ transportation discharge 21.7309
Category 5 No Significant Indirect
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Category 6 No Significant Indirect
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Indirect Emission Sources (Categories 2-6) 1046.793
Total Greenhouse Gas emissions (Categories 1-6) 1209.943
Third-Party Verification
Total Weight of Waste
Year Weight (t)







Total Electricity Consumption and Total Water Consumption
Year Total Power Consumption (kWh) Total Water Consumption (kL)







ESG Development Implementation Status in 2022
  1. The company encourages employees to care about environmental protection matters, save water and electricity in the factory, carry out resource classification and recycling, and employees to prepare their own tableware, etc. to respond to the government's energy conservation and carbon reduction actions.
  2. Our company's office building has carried out a stairwell lighting improvement plan, replacing the stairwell lighting with LED induction bulbs, reducing electricity consumption by 831.6 kw/hr (degree) per month.
  3. Our company carried out an RF cooling water tower project improvement project in 2023. After the improvement, the annual electricity consumption was reduced by approximately 2,227 kw/hr (kWh).
  4. Our company carried out a toilet lighting improvement project in 2023. After the improvement, the annual electricity consumption was reduced by approximately 805 kw/hr (kWh).
  5. Our company has sponsored and donated the service funds of Saint Joseph Social Welfare Foundation in 2022
  6. Our company has joined hands with Down Syndrome Foundation R.O.C to jointly organize the "FOCI Charity Sale" in 2022.
  7. Our company has sponsored the Hsinchu Fund for Children and Families garden party in 2023.
  8. Our company sponsored the activities of the Saint Joseph Social Welfare Foundation in 2023 and donated service funds for people with disabilities to support diverse learning and maintain physical and mental health.
  9. In 2022 and 2023, the company provided its company space to the Dharma Drum Mountain Zen Meditation Garden free of charge to provide a spiritual healing space for Bamboo Branch staff, with about 200 people using it every month.