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Quality | Technology | Service

Diversity in the Workplace
Work Equality
  1. The Company does not treat job applicants and employees on the basis of race, class, language, thought, religion, party, place of origin, place of birth, gender, sexual orientation, age, marriage, appearance, facial features, physical or mental disabilities, zodiac sign, blood type or past history. Discrimination on the basis of union membership.
  2. In addition to local nationalities, we also hire new residents of foreign nationalities, and respect the cultural and religious freedom of all ethnic groups.
  3. We have established a maternal health protection plan and a health promotion (protection) plan for middle-aged and elderly workers to establish a friendly workplace environment.
  4. Various reference indicators:


Sex Ratio

Category Male Female Total
All Employees 57.46% 42.54% 100%
Supervisor 67.31% 32.69% 100%

Age Ratio

Age Range Proportion of All Employees
<30 Years Old 19.34%
30-50 Years Old 60.22%
>50 Years Old 20.44%
Total 100%

Ratio of Employees with Disabilities to All Employees:2.21%


Ethnic Ratio

Category Proportion of All Employees
Chinese Nationality 88.95%
Foreign Nationality 11.05%