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Corporate Governance

Board of Directors
Board Composition and Responsibilities

According to the company's articles of incorporation, the board of directors shall consist of seven to eleven members, with a term of three years, and directors may be re-elected. Among the aforementioned number of directors, the number of independent directors shall not be less than three.
The board of directors shall be organized by the directors. The chairman will be elected by a two-thirds majority of the directors present, with the consent of more than half of the attending directors. If necessary for business purposes, a vice-chairman may also be elected in the same manner. The chairman will represent the company in external matters.


The board of directors is responsible for guiding the company’s strategy, overseeing the management team, and being accountable to both the company and its shareholders. The company’s governance system, along with all related operations and arrangements, must ensure that the board exercises its powers in accordance with applicable laws, the company's articles of association, and the resolutions adopted during the shareholders' meeting.


Board of Directors
Title Name Education Major Experience Major Current Positions


Song-fure Lin

Master of Physics, Fu Jen Catholic University

Vice Chairman /GM/R&D VP of FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
Head of component section, Dept. of Optical fiber Technologies, ITRI EOSL

Chairman of FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
Chairman of Shanghai FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
Chairman of Jiangxi FOCI Fiber Optic Communication, Inc.
Chairman of Shang Cheng Investment Co., Ltd.


Lee-chiou Chang

NCCU Department of Insurance

The leader of Financial Supervisory Commission
The President of Grand Cathay Securities Corp.
The Chairman of Yuanta Securities

The CEO of Sun Ten Group.
Chairman of Panion &BF Biotech Inc. 
Chairman of Shun Tian International Consulting Co., Ltd
Chairman of Herbiotek Co., Ltd
Chairman of Cheng Fong Chemical Co., Ltd
Chairman of Ho Tung Chemical Corp. 
Chairman of YH Bio Co., Ltd
Chairman of Viarich Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Director of FOCI Fiber Optic Communications,Inc.
Director of Triknight Capital Corporation
Director of Formosan Union Chemical Corporation
Independent direct of T3EX Global Holdings Corp.
Independent director of Acme Electronics Corporation
Independent director of Taiwan Hopax Chemicals Mfg.Co.,Ltd


Wonderland Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Representative: Hau Fang

Master of IMBA of NCCU

Chairman of Taiwan Insulation Material Industrial Company Ltd.
Vice President of Asia Carbons & Technology Inc

The legal Board of Director representative of Sino-American Silicon Products Inc.
The legal Board of Director representative of Actron Technology Corporation


Ting-ta Hu

Master of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University

Special assistant of Centera Photonics Inc.
Vice GM of Himax Technologies Limited
Vice GM of Xintec Inc.
Dept. manager of TSMC

Director/ President of FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
The legal Board of Director representative of BKS Tec Corp.



Li-jen Kuo

PhD in Law, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Bachelor of Laws. NCHU

Associate Professor, School of Law, Soochow University
Professor, Department of Law and Graduate Institute of Technical Laws, NCKU
Remuneration committee member of Panion &BF Biotech Inc.

Independent Director of FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc. 
Professor, Department of Educational Management / Graduate School of Culture and Education Law, National Taipei University of Education



Tzu-ming Wang

Bachelor of Department of Public Finance, Feng Chia University

Director of Mega International Investment Trust Co.,Ltd.
Director of National Taxation Bureau of Taipei
Chief of National Taxation Bureau of Taipei

Independent Director of FOCI Fiber Optic Communications, Inc.
Independent director of Ho Tung Chemical Corp.



Tien-Chang Huang

Master of Institute of Public Finance , NCCU

Chairman / President of Taiwan Business Bank Co., Ltd.
Independent director of Mega Securities Co., Ltd. 
Managing Independent director of Mega International Commercial Bank
Chairman of Trust Incorporation of R.O.C

Independent director of Heran Co., Ltd.
Independent director of Yi Jinn Industrial Co., Ltd.

Major resolutions of Shareholders’Meeting


For important resolution information of the board of directors, please refer to the corporate governance operations in the annual report.


為落實公司治理並提升本公司董事會功能,建立績效目標以加強董事會運作效率,爰依上市上櫃公司治理實務守則第三十七條規定,於 108 年 3 月 14 日經董事會決議訂定「董事會績效評估辦法」(簡稱本辦法),並於每年依據本辦法所訂定之評估程序及評估指標執行內部董事會績效評估。


  1. 董事會績效評估之衡量項目:涵括「對公司營運之參與程度」、「提升董 事會決策品質」、「董事會組成與結構」、「董事之選任及持續進修」及 「內部控制」等五大面向,共計 45 項評估指標。
  2. 董事成員(自我或同儕)績效評估之衡量項目:涵括「公司目標與任務之掌握」、「董事職責認知」、「對公司營運之參與程度」、「內部關係經營與溝通」、「董事之專業及持續進修」及「內部控制」,共計 23 項評估指標。
  3. 審計委員會績效評估之衡量項目:涵括「對公司營運之參與程度」、「功能性委員會職責認知」、「提升功能性委員會決策品質」、「功能性委員會組成及成員選任」及「內部控制」,共計 22 項評估指標。
  4. 薪資報酬委員會績效評估之衡量項目:涵括「對公司營運之參與程度」、「功能性委員會職責認知」、「提升功能性委員會決策品質」、「功能性委員會組成及成員選任」,共計 19 項評估指標。


  1. 董事會自評:平均4.5分,優。
  2. 董事成員(自我或同儕)自評:平均4.6分,優。
  3. 審計委員會自評:平均4.7分,優。
  4. 薪資報酬委員會自評:平均4.9分,優。



本公司於 2021 年委託中華公司治理協會辦理外部董事會效能評估,就董事會之組成、指導、授權、監督、溝通、內部控制及風險管理、自律及董事會會議、支援系統等 8大項構面以線上自評問卷及實地訪查之方式進行評核(請參閱上方中華公司治理協會外部評估證明),相關總評內容及措施如下:

  • 評估報告之總評
    1. 本公司7席董事中有3席為獨立董事,均由產業界與學術界具專業能力與豐富經驗之人士出任;3位獨立董事皆勇於任事,對董事會運作積極參與並貢獻所長。本公司董事會之獨立性、專業性,以及董事會開放性的議事文化值得肯定。
    2. 本公司董事會及經營團隊皆對公司未來中長期成長定位與目標有明確定義及共識,依此目標尋求適任人才,並與獨立董事充分討論。
    3. 本公司董事會高度關注公司治理及企業社會責任相關議題,110年度除規劃投入提升能源效率措施,更積極推動ISO-45001職安系統認證;同時配合產業供應鏈廠商對ESG相關指標要求持續精進,並於110年12月7日榮獲中華電信永續夥伴獎項金級證書殊榮,值得讚許。
    4. 本公司主動邀請第三方專業獨立機構協助辦理董事會績效評估,藉由獨立客觀之檢視,提供精進意見,充分顯示公司落實公司治理、增進董事會效能,以及持續提升公司治理效能之企圖心。

  • 建議事項及未來改善計畫
項目 評估報告之建議 本公司預計採行措施



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結構 與標準。





