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Quality | Technology | Service

Stakeholder Communication Situation

The company has a spokesperson system, and set up the person in charge of investment relations and the contact information of the spokesperson in the investor relations section of the company website to serve any questions or suggestions that stakeholders are concerned about the company.
In addition, the spokesperson's e-mail address is also provided to establish a communication channel with stakeholders.

Company Spokesperson's

Affiliate Issues of Interest Communication Pipeline Response Frequency of Communication Contact Information

Investment Institutions / Person

Company operations.
Environmental pollution prevention.
Labor rights and workplace safety.

Telephone communication / face-to-face communication / online meeting /
In-person meetings / emails / media announcements /
Issue a press release

  • Set up dedicated telephone lines and email addresses to communicate with investment institutions/persons.
  • Hold legal talks to communicate with investment institutions/people.
  • Hosting shareholders will allow investment institutions/people to participate in company decision-making.
  • Publish press releases or media announcements from time to time to help investment institutions/people
    understand the company's operating conditions.

Daily / Yearly / Anytime
Financial Department Ms. Yu


Salary and benefits.
Training and education.
Labor relations.
Workplace health and safety.
Company operations.
Grievance mechanism.

Telephone communication / Webex meeting / Face-to-face communication /
Government Coordinated Communication / Instant Messaging / Email /
Audit and Feedback Mechanism / Correspondence Reply / Documents /
Contracts / Labor-management meeting / Welfare committee /
Employee relations / Family day / Work group /
Education and Training / Publicity Posters / Press Releases /

  • Announcements on the bulletin board, and related matters through internal e-mail announcements.
  • Set up a special line for employees to understand the needs of employees.
  • Organize internal education and training activities, in addition to enhancing employee learning, but also convey
    company policies.
  • The Welfare Committee is regularly recruited to let company employees understand the welfare activities
    of the Welfare Committee or related club activities within the company.

Weekly  /  Biweekly  /  Monthly  /  
Semiannually  /  Annually  /  Anytime
Human Resources Department Ms. Zhao


Market image.
Product delivery and capacity.
Product quality and price.
Customer privacy.

Telephone communication / Conference call / Meeting communication /
Online meeting / Government Coordination, Communication / Instant Messenger /
Email / Audit and Feedback Mechanism / Letter Reply /
Letter of Commitment / Documents / Third Party Testing /
Customer Standards / Media Announcements / Education and training /
Website promotion / Advertising

  • Visit customers to understand their concerns and development status.
  • Hold seminars to enhance mutual understanding.
  • Participate in exhibitions, release new products and communicate with customers.

Daily / Weekly / Monthly /
Quarterly / Semiannually / Yearly /
Marketing Department Ms. Hong


Supplier Labor Rights.
Social and Environmental Assessment.
Conflict Minerals and Restricted Substances Policy.
Regulatory Compliance.

Telephone communication / Face-to-face communication / Online meeting /
Face-to-face meeting / Email / Audit audit and feedback mechanism /
Letter reply / Letter of commitment / Contract /
Document / Purchase order / Customer standard /
Routine monitoring

  • Visit with suppliers to increase mutual understanding.
  • Auditing at suppliers.
  • Organize supplier meetings.

Daily / Monthly / Semiannually /
Yearly / Anytime
Purchasing Department Ms. Wu

Government / Industry Association /

Compliance with laws and regulations.
Labor rights and workplace safety.
Environmental pollution prevention and control.
Company operations.

Telephone communication / Meeting communication / Government coordination communication /
Email / Audit and feedback mechanism / Letter reply /
Commitment letter / Document / Third-party inspection /
Routine monitoring declaration / Media announcement / News release

  • Visit the competent authority and communicate directly with them.
  • Actively cooperate with the competent authorities for auditing.
  • Set up different contact windows in the face of different government units to achieve the effect
    of immediate communication.

Monthly / Quarterly / Semiannually /
Annually / Anytime
Business Strategy Development Center Mr. Wang